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Regal Fritillary

Regal Fritillary
Speyeria idalia
Wing Span: 2 5/8 to 4 1/8 inches

The Regal Fritillary is a large and showy butterfly, with a reddish-orange forewing and dark brown hindwing dotted with white spots. Violets are the only host plants used by the Regal Fritillary.

Once found throughout the eastern U.S. in open grassland areas, especially those adjacent to wetlands, and clearings in woodlands where violets grow, populations have declined drastically... the Regal Fritillary has virtually disappeared throughout most of its range.

Although reasons for the decline of Regal Fritillaries are unknown, changes in agricultural practices, reforestation and development have contributed to the decline of critical habitat.

Photo: Tony Coomer